En rapport som beskriver transbevegelsens vellykte strategier

Rapporten er meget interessant lesning og gir et godt innblikk i hvordan Foreningen FRI og liknende grupperinger jobber strategisk og målrettet -- og med mye internasjonal kontakt.

Document that Reveals the Remarkable Tactics of Trans Lobbyists -- En avisartikkel som forklarer hva rapporten inneholder.

2. Selve rapporten: Good Practices in Legal Gender Recognition For Youth -- eller sagt med andre ord: Vellykte metoder og strategier i arbeidet for å få juridisk anerkjennelse for ungdommer som vil skifte kjønn.

Rapporten er utgitt av IGLYO, som er et europeisk nettverk av 96 nasjonale og lokale LHBT-bevegelser i europeiske land. I innledningen presenterer de seg slik:

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth & StudentOrganisation (IGLYO) is a network of 96 national and local lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex youth and student organisations across the Council of Europe region.

IGLYO’s objectives are: to build young activists; to increase the visibility and highlight the diversity of LGBTQI youth identities; make education safe and inclusive for all; and to develop and sustain an engaged and connected network of member organisations.


Extending the process to minors
Norway is the most liberal, with legal gender recognition being available at any age, although with certain conditions for different age groups. For example, minors under the age of 6 can only have their legal gender altered if they are intersex. For minors between 6 and 16, it is available with parental consent, and for those over 16 a self-determination model operates. (Side 16)

Use human rights as a campaign point
Based on our research, human rights arguments have been instrumental to the success of several campaigns for more progressive gender recognition laws. In Norway, human rights arguments were a cornerstone of activists’ campaigns. Prior to the most recent legal reforms, those seeking to legally change gender in practice had to undergo sterilisation (although this requirement did not appear in formal legislation). The result was that Norwegian campaigners had a compelling argument that the human rights of trans people were being breached and this was a key factorin the success of their campaign. (Side 19)

Tie your campaign to more popular reform
In Ireland, Denmark and Norway, changes to the law on legal gender recognition were put through at the same time as other more popular reforms such as marriage equality legislation. This provided a veil of protection, particularly in Ireland, where marriage equality was strongly supported, but gender identity remained a more difficult issue to win public support for. (Side 20)

Avoid excessive press coverage and exposure
In Ireland, activists have directly lobbied individual politicians and tried to keep press coverage to a minimum in order to avoid this issue. Similarly, in Norway, campaigners developed strong ties with youth politicians, who then presented to the senior members of their parties on the changes that were needed. This technique was effective at persuading more senior politicians, as the changes were being suggested from within their own party rather than an external organisation. We also saw this technique in Denmark. (Side 20)

Country Analysis: Legal Framework
En oversikt over lovene i Norge relatert til kjønn.
(Side 24-25)


NORWAY (Side 40-41)

In Norway, the laws around legal gender recognition are some of the most progressive in Europe and are particularly favourable to minors. Charities and NGOs played an instrumental role in helping to change the law around legal gender recognition by helping to raise awareness among politicians and the general public of the issues faced by those wishing to have their true gender legally recognised.


Part of the reason why the laws in Norway are so progressive and change was able to take place so quickly,is that the previous law was draconian. In order to apply for legal gender recognition, applicants had to undergo sterilisation, a step which activists argued was a violation of their human rights.

In Norway, there are strong links between the State and charities/NGOs as many organizations are partially or heavily State-funded.


The campaigns were successful,and now Norway has one of the most progressive legal gender recognition laws in the world.


Les hele omtalen av Norge på side 40-41 i rapporten.